
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawo › Gardocki znowu przegra w Strasbourgu
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2006-06-03 14:42:34
    Temat: Gardocki znowu przegra w Strasbourgu
    Od: moherowy beret <>

    Woś v. Poland (no. 22860/02)

    The applicant, Bronislaw Woś, is a Polish national who was born in1928
    and lives in Cielcza (Poland).

    As a child and young adolescent during the Second World War the
    applicant was subjected to forced labour on the territory of occupied
    Poland. He first worked on a German farm, then as a forest labourer and
    was finally relocated to an area where he was required to reinforce
    German defences. His applications for compensation were only partially

    He complains under Article 6 § 1 (access to court) that he did not have
    access to a court in respect of certain compensation claims he raised
    before the Polish-German Reconciliation Foundation.

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