
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawopodpis elektroniczny › Re: podpis elektroniczny
  • Data: 2006-06-11 09:01:00
    Temat: Re: podpis elektroniczny
    Od: z <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Czyli nie muszę ufać certyfikatom najwyższej klasy wystawionym przez
    najbardziej znane instytucje zagraniczne ? Jest tu jakiś nonsens.

    A przy okazji. W wiadomości otrzymanej od banku inteligo wyświetla mi w
    netscape że certyfikat nie jest godny zaufania. Chyba ktoś umieścił dane
    banku w certyfikacie piewszej klasy a w nim wolno umieścić tylko nazwę
    e-mail. Do danych firmy służą certyfikaty wyższej klasy, o czym mówi to

    (i) Class 1 Certificates. Class 1 Certificates offer the lowest
    level of assurances within the VTN. The Certificates are issued to
    individual Subscribers only, and authentication procedures are based on
    assurances that the Subscriber's distinguished name is unique and
    unambiguous within the domain of a particular CA and that a certain
    e-mail address is associated with a public key. Class 1 Certificates are
    appropriate for digital signatures, encryption, and access control for
    non-commercial or low-value transactions where proof of identity is

    (ii) Class 2 Certificates. Class 2 Certificates offer a medium
    level of assurances in comparison with the other two Classes. Again,
    they are issued to individual Subscribers only, except as provided
    herein. In addition to the Class 1 authentication procedures, Class 2
    authentication includes procedures based on a comparison of information
    submitted by the certificate applicant against information in business
    records or databases or the database of a VeriSign-approved identity
    proofing service. They can be used for digital signatures, encryption,
    and access control, including as proof of identity in medium-value
    transactions. Under limited circumstances, Class 2 Certificates may be
    issued by a Managed PKI Certificate Service customer to an affiliated
    organizational Subscriber (rather than an individual within the
    organization). Such Certificates may be used for organization
    authentication and application signing only under the terms of the VTN
    CPS. You are solely responsible for determining an appropriate scope and
    level of reliance on any such organizational Subscriber Class 2

    (iii) Class 3 Certificates. Class 3 Certificates provide the
    highest level of assurances within the VTN. Class 3 Certificates are
    issued to individuals and organizations for use with both client and
    server software. Class 3 individual Certificates may be used for digital
    signatures, encryption, and access control, including as proof of
    identity, in high-value transactions. Class 3 individual Certificates
    provide assurances of the identity of the Subscriber based on the
    personal (physical) presence of the Subscriber before a person that
    confirms the identity of the Subscriber using, at a minimum, a
    well-recognized form of government-issued identification and one other
    identification credential. Class 3 organizational Certificates are
    issued to devices to provide authentication; message, software, and
    content integrity and signing; and confidentiality encryption. Class 3
    organizational Certificates provide assurances of the identity of the
    Subscriber based on a confirmation that the Subscriber organization does
    in fact exist, that the organization has authorized the Certificate
    Application, and that the person submitting the Certificate Application
    on behalf of the Subscriber was authorized to do so. Class 3
    organizational Certificates for servers also provide assurances that the
    Subscriber is entitled to use the domain name listed in the Certificate
    Application, if a domain name is listed in such Certificate Application.

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