
eGospodarka.plPrawoGrupypl.soc.prawoEuropejski Trybunał "Sprawiedliwości" o pushback-ach imigrantów ze współudziałem Frontex-u [2016] › Europejski Trybunał "Sprawiedliwości" o pushback-ach imigrantów ze współudziałem Frontex-u [2016]
  • Data: 2023-09-06 23:28:42
    Temat: Europejski Trybunał "Sprawiedliwości" o pushback-ach imigrantów ze współudziałem Frontex-u [2016]
    Od: "A. Filip" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]
    > Migrants bundled out of Europe lose court challenge against EU's Frontex
    > ; 2023-09-06T15:57:27.000Z
    > The EU's top court has dismissed a case against European border agency
    > Frontex, brought by a family of Syrian refugees who were sent out of
    > Greece to Turkey in 2016
    > Lawyers for the family had argued the EU agency should be held
    > accountable for the refugees being deported without having the chance to
    > apply for asylum.
    > So-called pushbacks are illegal under international law. But the
    > European Court of Justice rejected their challenge.
    > "Since Frontex does not have the power to assess the merits of return
    > decisions or applications for international protection, that EU agency
    > cannot be held liable for any damage," the Court ruled. [...]
    > Eleven days after arriving in Greece, their lawyers say the family was
    > put on a plane to Turkey by Frontex and the Greek authorities "without
    > having being able to apply for asylum and without an expulsion
    > decision". [...]
    > Frontex said it *now* required EU member states to confirm that people
    > had been given the chance "to seek international protection and their
    > applications had been properly processed in line with EU laws". [...]

    Sprawiedliwości musi być po UE stronie, nieprawdaż?

    A. Filip
    | Kolacja i światło dzienne, synowa i teściowa - to nie są sprawy do
    | pogodzenia. (Przysłowie abisyńskie)

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