
eGospodarka.plPrawoAkty prawneProjekty ustaw › Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Konwencji o Europejskim Instytucie Leśnictwa, sporządzonej w Joensuu dnia 28 sierpnia 2003 r.

Rządowy projekt ustawy o ratyfikacji Konwencji o Europejskim Instytucie Leśnictwa, sporządzonej w Joensuu dnia 28 sierpnia 2003 r.

projekt dotyczy stworzenia paneuropejskiego forum do dialogu w zakresie badań naukowych dotyczących leśnictwa oraz europejskiego przemysłu leśno-drzewnego w skali całego kontynentu

  • Kadencja sejmu: 6
  • Nr druku: 431
  • Data wpłynięcia: 2008-04-15
  • Uchwalenie: Projekt uchwalony
  • tytuł: o ratyfikacji Konwencji o Europejskim Instytucie Leśnictwa, sporządzonej w Joensuu dnia 28 sierpnia 2003 r.
  • data uchwalenia: 2008-06-13
  • adres publikacyjny: Dz.U. Nr 139, poz. 877


b) give assent to the appointment of the Director in accordance with Article 8,
paragraph 4, subparagraph d);
c) set the policy framework for the work of the Institute;
d) take decisions on generał issues of a technical, financial or administrative naturę
submitted by the Members, the Conference or the Board;
e) approve, by simple majority, such guidance as may be necessary for the
functioning of the Institute and its organs; and
f) approve and amend, by a simple majority, its Rules of Procedurę.
3. Each Member shall have one vote. Decisions shall be taken by consensus, unless otherwise
provided in the Convention.
Article 7: The Conference
1. The Conference shall consist of representatives of the Associate Members. The Conference
shall meet once a year in plenary session and shall take decisions by a simple majority. The
Affiliate Members may participate in the annual plenary sessions of the Conference. Institutions
and regional or international organisations that arę not Associate or Affiliate Members of the
Institute may be invited to attend the plenary sessions of the Conference in accordance with the
rules established by the Board.
2. The Conference shall, inter alia,
a) appoint the members of the Board in accordance with Article 8,
paragraphs 2 b), c) and d);
b) determine the membership fees for the Associate and Affiliate Members;
c) mąkę recommendations to initiate activities with a view to the realisation of the
purposes of the Institute;
d) approve the audited financial statements;
e) approve the work plan for the following year submitted by the Board;
f) review and adopt the Annual Report on the Institute's activities; and
g) approve and amend its Rules of Procedurę.
Article 8: The Board
1. The Board shall be composed of eight individuals with established competence in the field of the
activities of the Institute. Such Board members may serve no morę than two consecutive terms.
2.a. Four members of the Board shall be appointed by the Council for a period of three years. b. Four
members of the Board shall be appointed by the Conference for a period of three years.
c. The Council and the Conference shall adopt rules relating to the process of nomination and
rotation of the
members they appoint.
d. Interim vacancies shall be filled by written procedurę by the Council or the Conference,
3. The Board shall meet at least once every year and shall take decisions by a simple majority.
4. The Board shall
a) within the policy framework laid down by the Council, establish and keep under review the
administrative and
research programme of the Institute's work;
b) subject to any guidance by the Council, adopLsuchJntemaLtegulalions as may be necessary;
c) approve the budget and the accounts;
d) appoint the Director, subject to assent of the Council;
e) approve the admission and expulsion of Associate and Affiliate Members;
f) report to the Council and the Conference;
g) subject to any guidance by the Council, approve the agreement referred to in Article 12;
h) approve and amend its Rules of Procedurę; and
i) establish the rules referred to in Article 7, paragraph l.
Article 9: The Secretariat
1. The Secretariat headed by the Director shall comprise the personnel of the Institute.
2. Subject to any generał directions of the Council, the Conference and the Board, the Director
shall appoint such other personnel as may be reąuired for the purposes of the Institute on such
terms and to perform such duties as the Director may determine.
Article 10: Financial resources
The fmancial resources necessary for the functioning of the Institute shall be provided by:
a) Associate and Affiliate Members, by means of membership fees;
b) Members, through voluntary contributions if they so desire; and
c) such other sources as may present themselves.
Article 11: The Budget and the accounts
The budget and the accounts of the Institute shall be approved by a simple majority by the Board on
proposal of the Director.
Article 12: Lega] personality, privileges and immunities
The Institute shall have International and domestic legał personality. On the territory of Finland it
shall enjoy such privileges and immunities as arę necessary for the exercise of its functions. These
privileges and immunities shall be defmed in an agreement between the Institute and the
Govemment of Finland.
Article 13: Dispute-settlement
Any dispute conceming the interpretation or application of this Convention which is not settled by
negotiation or by the good offices of the Board may, upon mutual agreement between the parties
to the dispute, be submitted to conciliation under the Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional
Conciliation Rules.
Article 14: Signature and consent to be bound
1. This Convention shall be open for signature by European States and European regional
economic integration organisations in Joensuu on 28 August 2003. Thereafter, it shall remain
open for signature in Helsinki at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, until 28 November
2. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States and
regional economic integration organisations. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval
shall be deposited with the Govemment of Finland which shall act as the depositary.
3. This Convention shall be open for accession by those European States and European regional
economic integration organisations that have not signed it. Instruments of accession shall be
deposited with the Depositary.
4. For the purposes of this Convention, a European State is a State which is eligible for
membership of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europę as a European State.
Article 15: Entry into force
1. This Convention shall enter into force on the sixtieth day after the datę of the deposit of the
eighth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
2. For each State and regional economic integration organisation ratifying, accepting, approving or
acceding to this Convention after the deposit of the eighth instrument of ratification, acceptance,
approval or accession, the Convention shalJ enter into force on the sixtieth day after the datę of
deposit of such State or regional economic integration organisation of its instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession.
Article 16: Transitional provisions
1. Upon the entry into force of this Convention, the research institutes, educational
establishments, commercia] organisations, forest authorities, non-govemmenta] organisations and
institutions of a similar naturę from European States that arę members or associate members of the
European Forest Institute established in 1993 as an association under Finnish law and by that datę
have not according to its Bylaws given notice of resignation, shall become Associate Members of
the Institute. Institutions of a similar naturę from non-European States that arę associate
members of the said European Forest Institute shall likewise in the absence of notice of resignation
become Affiliate Members of the Institute.
2. After the entry into force of this Convention the Institute shall initiate negotiations with the
European Forest Institute-established in 1993 as an association under Finnish law on the transfer of
the latter's activities, funds, assets and liabilities to the Institute.
Article 17: Amendments
1. This Convention may be amended by the unanimous vote of the Members present in a meeting of
the Council or by a written procedurę. Any proposal for amendment shall be circulated by the
Depositary at least eight weeks in advance. In case of a written procedurę the Depositary shall fix
the deadline for the replies.
2. The amendment will enter into force on the sixtieth day after the datę on which all the
Contracting Parties have notified the Depositary that they have fulfilled the formali-ties reąuired by
national legislation with respect to the amendment.
3. Unless the Conference approves, amendments shall not affect the institutional position of
Associate or Affiliate Members.
Article 18: Withdrawal
A Contracting Party may withdraw from this Convention by giving written notice of the
withdrawal to the Depositary. The withdrawal shall be effective one year after receipt of the
notice of withdrawal by the Depositary.
Article 19: Termination
This Convention shall be terminated if at any time after its entry into force there arę less than
eight Contracting Parties.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duły authorised thereto by their respective Governments,
have signed this Convention.
Done in the English language, at Joensuu, this 28th day of August 2003.
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